39 research outputs found

    Marked Gibbs point processes with unbounded interaction: an existence result

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    We construct marked Gibbs point processes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d under quite general assumptions. Firstly, we allow for interaction functionals that may be unbounded and whose range is not assumed to be uniformly bounded. Indeed, our typical interaction admits an a.s. finite but random range. Secondly, the random marks -- attached to the locations in Rd\mathbb{R}^d -- belong to a general normed space S\mathcal{S}. They are not bounded, but their law should admit a super-exponential moment. The approach used here relies on the so-called entropy method and large-deviation tools in order to prove tightness of a family of finite-volume Gibbs point processes. An application to infinite-dimensional interacting diffusions is also presented

    Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes and Feller diffusions

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    A multitype Dawson-Watanabe process is conditioned, in subcritical and critical cases, on non-extinction in the remote future. On every finite time interval, its distribution is absolutely continuous with respect to the law of the unconditioned process. A martingale problem characterization is also given. Several results on the long time behavior of the conditioned mass process|the conditioned multitype Feller branching diffusion are then proved. The general case is first considered, where the mutation matrix which models the interaction between the types, is irreducible. Several two-type models with decomposable mutation matrices are analyzed too

    A host-parasite multilevel interacting process and continuous approximations

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    We are interested in modeling some two-level population dynamics, resulting from the interplay of ecological interactions and phenotypic variation of individuals (or hosts) and the evolution of cells (or parasites) of two types living in these individuals. The ecological parameters of the individual dynamics depend on the number of cells of each type contained by the individual and the cell dynamics depends on the trait of the invaded individual. Our models are rooted in the microscopic description of a random (discrete) population of individuals characterized by one or several adaptive traits and cells characterized by their type. The population is modeled as a stochastic point process whose generator captures the probabilistic dynamics over continuous time of birth, mutation and death for individuals and birth and death for cells. The interaction between individuals (resp. between cells) is described by a competition between individual traits (resp. between cell types). We look for tractable large population approximations. By combining various scalings on population size, birth and death rates and mutation step, the single microscopic model is shown to lead to contrasting nonlinear macroscopic limits of different nature: deterministic approximations, in the form of ordinary, integro- or partial differential equations, or probabilistic ones, like stochastic partial differential equations or superprocesses. The study of the long time behavior of these processes seems very hard and we only develop some simple cases enlightening the difficulties involved

    Bridges of Markov counting processes. Reciprocal classes and duality formulas

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    Processes having the same bridges are said to belong to the same reciprocal class. In this article we analyze reciprocal classes of Markov counting processes by identifying their reciprocal invariants and we characterize them as the set of counting processes satisfying some duality formula